Everywhen- Replacing Process with Connection 

Everywhen can teach us important lessons about our creative journeys too. If we approach our creativity as a process, we become stuck with a beginning, middle and end. Outcomes and finish lines become the purpose of the process. However, what happens if we approach our creativity with an everywhen mentality? The journey of creating becomes

Stop Being a Bully! An Easy Way to Manage your Inner Critic

When was the last time you really let someone have it? I’m talking about a real verbal lashing where you absolutely tore strips off the person. On first reflection, I imagine the average person hasn’t spoken to someone like that in a very long time, if ever. But I wonder, when was the last time … Read more

How the elite wield individualism as a weapon

As I was taking a shower the other day, I was looking at the hideous tiles in our desperately needs to be renovated bathroom. The accent border tile that was endemic to all Australian bathrooms of the 90’s is a blue and white beach motif that has been screen printed onto cheap white porcelain tiles. I am … Read more

Creative Poverty- Is there enough creativity for me?

Creative Conversations with Diana Henderson Blog Header

If you held a dandelion in one hand and a Faberge egg in the other, which one would you treasure? Probably the priceless Faberge egg. It would be so treasured it may be put in a glass box on tall shelf where it can be admired, but kept safe. Alternatively it could be of such … Read more

Are you Willing to be Forgotten? Deer Trails, Pathways, and Highways, the real legacy of creativity.

When you think back, how many people can you name from your past? One-hundred? Maybe five- hundred? If you included celebrities and people of influence could you maybe remember one- thousand? I imagine that most of us would struggle to remember even a couple hundred. Of those hundred, how many would remember you? In one … Read more